How to request a transfer of a project to another account

If you need to hand over a project to a new organisation/person, you can request a transfer of the project form from your account to another account.

The request for the transfer is done by the current account's owner by email to the (Lead-) Ethics committee. The future account's owner must be added in cc: to the email.

In exceptional cases, the request can be done by the Sponsor or by the Principal Investigator. These must be unambiguously identifiable by full name and email address on the project form. 

The email must include the BASEC ID number of the concerned project, the current account's email address and the account's email address to which the project should be transferred. 

The Ethics Committee can refuse a transfer of the project if the request does not fulfill the requirements.

Requests of transfers by the future account's owner are rejected.

Projects can only be transferred to already existing accounts. The new person/organisation responsible for the project needs to have an account on

Important : If your project has a safety submission form ("SN_20YY-xxxxx"), please also indicate if the transfer concerns the project form only or if the transfer concerns the safety submission form only, or both forms. Before requesting the transfer of the safety submission form, the accont owner must clarify that the treatment assignments in a blinded project are not revealed to unauthorized persons by transferring the safety submission form to the new account. Failure to do so may result in inspection findings and invalidate your research project.