Submission of PW-protected files

Please do not submit password-protected files through BASEC. Everything you submit through the BASEC forms is encrypted before it’s transferred from your Computer to the BASEC-server (by using the https protocol). In addition, user data on the BASEC-server is stored on an encrypted file system, the BASEC-server is located in Switzerland.

However, please be aware that: 

  • Messages sent through the BASEC-messaging system (below each project in your account) are also sent out as unencrypted Emails to all recipients.
  • Emails sent directly to an EC (outside of BASEC) are unencrypted, like regular email.

The Ethics Committees accepts password-protected documents in exceptional cases if you need to submit confidential information by email or by the messaging system inside the BASEC-portal. You can communicate the password to the (Lead-) Ethics committee in a separate email or by phone.

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